Betting With License Operators vs Underground Operators

If you used to play 4D game with underground Operators, we wish to remind you that it is in fact illegal. We urge you to play with license operators such as Magnum, Sports TOTO and Damacai.

While once of the main reason for betting with underground operators could be the ease of placing a bet without the need to visit the NFOs outlets. No rush, no parking problem and best of all, your bet could be on credit terms etc. But bear in mind, your bet is not guaranteed and any huge winning in fact, could put you and your family at risk.

Winning from illegal betting may also lead you to questionable income source, while any winning from license operators will clear you from tax issues and best of all, your winning is discrete and only you know.

The underground operators can offer higher payout against the license operators, because they don't have any operation expenses, except a few fax machines and papers, while these license operators has to employ staffs, conduct draw results, engage independence auditors, pay tax and duties etc.

These NFOs are strictly governed by the Malaysia Government to ensure that Malaysian does not become addicted to gambling. In fact such activity is not encouraged. In our opinions, these NFOs can easily take these underground operators by their horns by offering online betting, mobile apps, prepaid / postpaid booking, year-long betting on special numbers, link to Banking Account, credit cards etc. We believe the marketing directors of these NFOs have dozens more ideas to grow this business, but all these proposals will be rejected by the regulators. These initiatives may challenge the underground operators, but will definitely see more Malaysian addicted to gambling and ultimately leads to more social ills.

These NFOs have the moral responsibility to ensure that you play 4D game responsibly and not allowing it to affect your family and social life. These earning are also channeled for social development as part of their corporate social responsibility.

Underground operators do not contribute back to society, in fact, these monies help spur more illegal activities and crime, such as money laundry, loan-shark, drug, prostitution etc.

While we wish you luck in your 4D game, we sincerely hope that you play your part in making Malaysia society a better place. Play with the license operators only.

Special Draw Date

  • 29-Apr-2025 (Tue)
  • 27-May-2025 (Tue)
  • 29-Jul-2025 (Tue)
  • 28-Oct-2025 (Tue)
  • 30-Dec-2025 (Tue)